K-8 Program

K-8 Program


Religion is taught every day Kindergarten through 8th grade. On Tuesday we have an all school Mass in which students participate as lectors and altar servers as well as other roles in the Liturgy.

Core Curriculum

We are extremely proud of our students’ academic performance. Each year St. Paul students take the ISASP(formerly the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills), and our children do a wonderful job! Above are graphs showing statistics from our most recent results on the ISASP.  We are very proud of our students' achievement.


St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School curriculum includes Iowa Core English Language Arts, Math and Science. We have adopted the Iowa Core Social Studies and 21st Century Skills.

K-8 Foreign Language

 Spanish is taught Kindergarten through 8th grade. K-6 students receive instruction once a week. Students in 7th and 8th graders have Spanish every day.

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