Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Every family at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School is a member of Home and School.

Each family has a Parent Participation Program obligation each school year at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School. There are three options which can be used to fulfill the participation program

1) 20 hours of service/volunteering per year

2) purchase Panther Perks each year to generate a total rebate amount of $200 or

3) buy-out of $200.

There are MANY volunteer opportunities available to help fulfill your Home & School Obligation that can be found at the link below.

Questions?  Please email saintpaulhomeandschool@gmail.com

Eligible Events for Volunteer Hours 

As a reminder, volunteer eligibility is any School calendared events, that directly support students, families and staff.


Examples of eligible volunteer activities:

Active Home & School member

Ice Cream Social

Block Party

Trunk or Treat

Ladies Night Bingo

Spruce up the School

Blue & Gold Bash

Teacher Appreciation Week

Panther Perks

School Supplies

Concession Stands 

Band Concerts

Early Learning Center Activities

Kindergarten Round Up

Aiding Teachers or Office staff

Playground Supervision

Leading/ Coaching/Coordinators for Sports or Clubs facilitated by SPS 

Vacation Bible School

To record your volunteer hours, click here: https://www.stpaulcatholicschool.org/parent-volunteer-hours-reporting-form

The Following activities are a Church Obligation and are NOT eligible for Parent Participation through HSA. 




Eucharistic Minister 


Altar & Rosary

Meal Ministries

Childcare during Masses or Church events

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