Parent Volunteer Hours Reporting Form

Parent Volunteer Hours Reporting Form

Dear St. Paul the Apostle Parents,

Thank you for your service to St. Paul's through your volunteerism. Please record your volunteer hours for the 2024-2025 school year on the form below. (Reporting for the 2023-2024 school year is now closed).

Volunteer hours are best recorded as they are completed. This form can be filled out multiple times throughout the school year. Please submit your hours within a week of completion. If completing several hours over a period of time, you may wait to record the total number of hours until the activity is completed. Examples would be coaching, scouts, musical. A record of your volunteer hours is sent directly to the school office via this form. 

Parents may add up hours from various volunteer activities and enter them all at one time for efficiency.  Just please indicate what they were for. 

For example, if you volunteer at VBS for 5 hours, help with Kgn state fair for 1 hour, and help at the Best Day Ever for 3 hours, you may submit 9 hours on the same form and check whichever boxes are appropriate, or list on the line that asks "what did you volunteer for?"

As a reminder, to qualify as volunteer hours, hours must be in-person working or facilitating any school calendared events that directly support students, families, and staff.  **Donations do not qualify for volunteer hours**

For Example:

Active Home & School Member

Active School Advisory Board Member

Parent Attendance at a Home and School Meeting

Active Class Liason Time

Working setup, event volunteer or teardown at a Home and School Event (Block Party, Trunk or Treat, Ladies Night Bingo, etc.)

Spruce up the School

Teacher Appreciation Week In School Volunteer

Panther Perks Processing

School Supplies Box Classroom Distribution

Concession Stands

Band Concerts

Early Learning Center Activities

Kindergarten Round-Up

Aiding Teachers or Office Staff

Playground Supervision

Coaching - 6-8th grade school teams, Dad's Club, KBA, FLK, etc.

Scouts (Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, Girls for God)

Vacation Bible School Adult Volunteer

Fine Arts Day Volunteer

Multicultural Day Volunteer

Class Sponsored Coffee and Donuts Hospitality Volunteer

The following activities are a Church obligation and are NOT eligible for Parent Participation through Home & School.




Eucharistic Minister

Altar & Rosary

Meal Ministries

Childcare during Masses or Church Events

Required fields marked *

Volunteer Hours Reporting Form

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