Dear Parents,
We are busy with activities as always and are gearing up for Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas. Please check the school online calendar for events and concert times. I will be putting those in my Principal Post as we get closer.
Please see the announcement below about the Senior Thanksgiving Dinner. We need volunteers and donations (pies, whip cream) for this event. You can sign up here -
· Ladies Night Bingo, November 14
· Senior Thanksgiving Lunch – November 22, 11:00 AM
· Parish Mission – November 23 & 24 with Br. Simon
Please help us welcome Fr. Simon Herrmann the weekend of November 23 & 24.
· Fr. Simon Herrmann, OSB, is from St. Meinrad Seminary, Indiana. He first visited St. Meinrad in 2005 as a high school student. He returned in his college years as an intern and then later returned as director of alumni relations in the Development Office. After three years in that job, he responded to a call that he first heard in college and joined the monastery. No matter where his assignment takes him, he will be serving the needs of the Church.
· While he was in college, he read a quote from theologian Frederick Buechner in a class on Christian vocation that read, ‘Your vocation in life is where your greatest joy meets the world’s greatest need.’ Fr. Simon says about the monastery, “the joy I saw in this monastic community drew me to this monastery. My days here are joyful, and I enjoy the slower, reflective way of life.” website
· Please help us welcome Fr. Simon Herrmann the weekend of November 23 & 24.
· We will have an evening on Sunday, November 24 & Monday, November 25 of Eucharistic Adoration & confessions, listen to Fr. Simon talk on how to become more “rooted in prayer and led by the Spirit,” and a reception in Denning Hall beginning at 5:30 pm both nights.
· We will be live streaming both nights on our Facebook page.
Join us for Thanksgiving Day Mass on Thursday, November 28. Bring your bread for a blessing.
NO Mass on Tuesday, November 19, due to Fr. Bruce being gone for a clergy overnighter.
Each year St. Paul the Apostle School hosts a Thanksgiving lunch for the seniors of our parish and community.
· November 22 at 11:00 AM in Denning Hall
· If you know of a grandparent, parishioner or neighbor who would like to attend, please RSVP to Leigh Thompson in the school office, 322-2923.
· Volunteer - We are also looking for volunteers to help the students serve the meal, set up and clean up. A link to the SignUp Genius is below. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.