Dear Parents,
I want to acknowledge the concerns many of you have shared with me over the past week regarding my communication. I sincerely apologize for the lack of transparency, and I understand how this has affected your trust in me.
I recognize the timeliness of my email didn't ease concerns, and I am committed to improving this moving forward. I am actively working with our School Advisory Board, SCCS leadership, and our Diocesan Superintendent to ensure that communication is timely and clear.
Earning back your trust will take time, but I am dedicated to doing so. Please know that your children’s safety and well-being are always my top priorities. They mean the world to me, and I am here for you and your families.
Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to rebuilding our partnership.
Saturday, September 28: 5:30 pm
School has begun, and the St. Paul’s Back to School Block Party is this Saturday! Join us for Mass on Saturday, September 28 beginning at 4:30 pm. After Mass we move to the street for hot dogs and burgers, bounce houses, rock climbing and Kona Ice! Don’t forget about the dunk tank and the cakewalk!
Scan the QR code to take you to the Sign-up Genius for the cake walk. This is a fun event that raises extra money for the school, and we can’t do it without everyone’s delicious desserts and treats.
School Advisory Board meetings have an Open Forum to begin each meeting where members of the community can address concerns to the Advisory Board. Our next School Advisory Board meeting is October 14. Meetings occur monthly on the second Monday of the month in the school Media Center.
· If you would like to attend an Open Forum and address a concern to the Advisory Board, please notify Ann McIntyre, the Board President, by noon on the Friday before the meeting. Please email Ann your name and the subject of your concern. This enables the Board to prepare for the meeting.
· During the Open Forum, each person who notified the Board of their attendance and desire to address the Board will be given 3 minutes to speak. At the end of 3 minutes, their time is up.
· During Open Forum no student or employee can be discussed or referenced as discussion about an individual is confidential in nature. Processes and procedures can be discussed. Anyone using a student or employee name will be asked to leave the meeting.
· The School Advisory Board is only able to listen to concerns. They are unable to respond to or address any questions or concerns brought up during the Open Forum.
· The Board will later meet in closed session to discuss the concerns and will later share any future steps that will be taken by the School Advisory Board.
· Friday, October 4: 3:00-4:30pm
· Tremont Circle (alley north of the church)
St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals, and what better way to celebrate his feast day than with a pet blessing! Bring your pet, stay in the car, and there will be a drive-thru line in the alley north of the church. More details soon!
Our next First Friday Adoration will be on Friday, October 4 following the 6:30am Mass and concluding at 5pm. Sign up on our website for an hour time slot. Begin your weekend and the month on a positive note!
All adults in the parish are invited to join a small group experience this fall, Life Groups. Versions of these groups have been around in some capacity over the last several years and have proved to be very fruitful. We are excited to include them as part of St. Paul's small group offerings and invite everyone in the parish to sign up!
Life Groups are an easy-entry chance for a set group of adults, who may be from similar or differing backgrounds, to meet once a month for about two years to intentionally support one another in community, grow in Christian fellowship, and explore faith in a safe environment through open conversations, reading Scripture, sharing life experiences, and praying for one another.
If you have any questions, feel free to call the parish office or reach out to Janela McCarty or Brett Adams.
Are you an adult who has never been confirmed? Each year we offer the chance for our parishioners to discern this possibility during the celebration of Pentecost. If this is you and you'd like more info, please contact the parish office, OCIA meetings will be kicking off soon! We'd love to walk you through the process.
It is always best to solve a problem at the level closest to its occurrence. Parents often don’t know who to best direct their concern or question to. Below I have listed some of the people and their contact information.
Recess or Before/Aftercare Concern: Mrs. Pullinger,
Technology: Mrs. Bates,
Academic or Classroom Behavior Concern: The teacher who teaches that class (homeroom, art, music, band, PE)
Financial Concern: SCCS Finance Office, 563-326,5313, Start with Rose Strickland,
Bus Behavior, Discipline Concerns: Mrs. HB,
All other concerns or unresolved concerns: Dr. Delaney,
· Please do not part on Rusholme Street to drop off your children between 7:30 – 7:45 AM. With all the traffic and buses, it is not safe. Cars parked along Rusholme make the street narrower and it causes congestion.
· Please either use the alley south of the school or if you want to park and walk your children, please park on Arlington. We have staff helping students cross at the corner of Rusholme and Arlington and at the alley. That is a safe option.
· If you are running a little behind and arrive after students go into the building at 7:45 AM, it is okay to park on Rusholme, because at that point students must enter through the front doors.
Love children? Want to work just a few days a week? We have a position for you! We need teachers and classroom aids who are willing to substitute when we have a staff member out.
· Classroom Aid – Background check and child abuse (CMG) training and other AEA trainings. We will provide the information and links.
· Teacher – Substitute Authorization, which can be obtained through a class at the AEA, substitute teaching license or a valid teaching license. Background check and child abuse training (CMG) and other AEA training.
Contact the school office is you would like more information about either one of these positions.
Cast your vote for St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School as your Quad City favorite at -
Julie C. Delaney, PhD
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School
1007 E.Rusholme
Davenport, IA 52803
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6