Principal Post
September 11, 2024
Dear Parents,
This year our faculty staff t-shirts sported short sayings relating to saints such as “Count like Matthew”, “Magnify like Mary”, “Teach like Seton”. We want to focus on how ordinary people can do extraordinary things with God! I heard a great podcast on the importance of passing on values and faith through stories. The stories of the saints are perfect for this. There are many captivating books out there to put in your family library. Here are a few I would suggest.
· Princesses of Heaven: The Flowers by Fabiola Garza
· A Saint a Day: A 365-Day Devotional Featuring Christian Saints by Meredith Hinds (Author), Isabel Muñoz (Illustrator)
· Saintly Creatures: 14 Tales of Animals and Their Holy Companions by Alexi Sargeant (Author), Anita Barghigiani (Illustrator)
· Saints: A Family Story by John Cavadini (Author), Catherine Cavadini (Author), Anastassia Cassady (Illustrator)
Several parents have asked about purchasing t-shirts like the teachers. Great news! Our Home & School is going to be selling a similar t-shirt, one geared toward students and one for parents. Look for ordering information in the next week.
It is always best to solve a problem at the level closest to its occurrence. Parents often don’t know who to best direct their concern or question to. Below I have listed some of the people and their contact information.
Recess or Before/Aftercare Concern: Mrs. Pullinger,
Technology: Mrs. Bates,
Academic or Classroom Behavior Concern: The teacher who teaches that class (homeroom, art, music, band, PE)
Financial Concern: SCCS Finance Office, 563-326,5313, Start with Rose Strickland,
Bus Behavior, Discipline Concerns: Mrs. HB,
All other concerns or unresolved concerns: Dr. Delaney,
Several years ago, I was introduced by a parent of a child with some learning differences to a great resource for parents, which shares information about a variety of behavioral and mental health concerns, as well as learning differences called This is an online resource that provides information on a variety of topics. One of the current articles is 10 Ways to Help Shy Children - Article link. If you have a spare minute or two, this is a great website for parents to find tips and advice to help your child be more successful in school.
· Please do not park on Rusholme Street to drop off your children between 7:30 – 7:45 AM. With all the traffic and buses, it is not safe. Cars parked along Rusholme make the street narrower and it causes congestion.
· Please either use the alley south of the school or if you want to park and walk your children, please park on Arlington. We have staff helping students cross at the corner of Rusholme and Arlington and at the alley. That is a safe option.
· If you are running a little behind and arrive after students go into the building at 7:45 AM, it is okay to park on Rusholme, because at that point students must enter through the front doors.
Love children? Want to work just a few days a week? We have a position for you! We need teachers and classroom aids who are willing to substitute when we have a staff member out.
· Classroom Aid – Background check and child abuse (CMG) training and other AEA trainings. We will provide the information and links.
· Teacher – Substitute Authorization, which can be obtained through a class at the AEA, substitute teaching license or a valid teaching license. Background check and child abuse training (CMG) and other AEA training.
Contact the school office if you would like more information about either one of these positions.
On the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi we will be having a Pet Blessing. Be on the lookout for more information to come! October 4
From the Free-Throw Contest to cooking all the hamburgers and hot dogs at the Back-to-School Block Party, the Knights of Columbus help our school and many other parish organizations with their mission. Follow them on Face Book at to learn more about what the Knights of Columbus do for our Catholic community.
Thursday, September 19, 7 pm
Ryan Dolan’s backyard,
2020 Cromwell Circle, Davenport
Our next First Friday Adoration will be on Friday, October 4 following the 6:30am Mass and concluding at 5pm. Sign up on our website for an hour time slot. Begin your weekend and the month on a positive note!
All adults in the parish are invited to join a small group experience this fall; Life Groups. Versions of these groups have been around in some capacity over the last several years and have proved to be very fruitful. We are excited to include them as part of St. Paul's small group offerings and invite everyone in the parish to sign up!
Life Groups are an easy-entry chance for a set group of adults, who may be from similar or differing backgrounds, to meet once a month for about two years in order to intentionally support one another in community, grow in Christian fellowship, and explore faith in a safe environment through open conversations, reading Scripture, sharing life experiences, and praying for one another.
If you have any questions, feel free to call the parish office or reach out to Janela McCarty or Brett Adams.
Are you an adult who has never been confirmed? Each year we offer the chance for our parishioners to discern this possibility during the celebration of Pentecost. If this is you and you'd like more info, please contact the parish office, OCIA meetings will be kicking off soon! We'd love to walk you through the process.
Please join the parish in a wonderful opportunity to worship and learn together about prayer and our Catholic faith tonight, Wednesday, September 11.
Below are ways to participate. Join us for all or part of the evening. There are no school activities and no homework so that all students can participate with their families.
· 4:30 Eucharistic Adoration
· 5:30 Mass
· 6:00 Dinner
· 6:30 Faith Formation for all!
Home and School is excited to announce our first annual PreK/TK Family Social!
Friday, September 13th
5:30 - 7:00 pm in Denning Hall
Join us for a fun night of pizza, games, and fellowship as we welcome the start of the school year with all Preschool and TK families! This event will allow you to meet parents from the same class, find ways to get involved at school, and give your children a chance to have a fun evening with their new friends! Thank you to Home and School for hosting this event, RSVP at this link by Monday, September 9th.
Cast your vote for St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School as your Quad City favorite at -