February 21, 2024
Wed., Feb. 21
Midterms go home (6th – 8th grades only)
Stations of the Cross 2:15 (3rd Grade)
Thurs., Feb. 22
Winter Band Concert 6:30PM Gym
Fri., Feb. 23
Men’s CEW
Sat., Feb. 24
Men’s CEW
Sun., Feb. 25
Men’s CEW
Mon., Feb. 26
Tues., Feb. 27
Title I Reading Night 6PM Denning Hall
Wed., Feb. 28
Hearing Screenings for 3yo MW Preschool, Kgn, 1st, 2nd, and 5th graders
Stations of the Cross 2:15 (4th grade)
1st Communion Parent Meeting 7PM Denning Hall
If you have a submission for the Wednesday email, please submit it to the school office no later than 8AM on the Tuesday before. Please email announcements to kelly.boche@st-paul.pvt.k12.ia.us.
CEW Application (attached)
With this Light (attached)
Reading Night Flyer (attached)
Amazing Brains Flyer (attached)
Davenport East Registration Flyer (attached)
Putnam Spring Camp Flyer (attached)
Application Fee Early Bird Price – Feb. 29
We invite you to the showing of the documentary “With this Light” which shares the story of Sr. Maria Rosa’s legacy of supporting over 87,000 Honduran children and inspiring international networks to expand her work. We are asking for in-kind donations (as able) to support the work our SAU Bees will be engaging in while in Honduras with Global Brigades. gartonanns@sau.edu. See attached for more info.
On Monday, February 19 we opened enrollment for new students. If you have not re-enrolled your children they may lose their spot. We have grade levels that will easily be full for next year with the inquiries we are getting.
If your child is already a PreK-7th grade student at St. Paul's, you only need to update their information.
Current/Existing SPS Families
1. Please go to: apply.sccsiowa.org
2. If the student has attended SPS, select ‘Login”.
· The Parent PowerSchool username and password is used to login to complete the Information Update. If you do not have your login information, contact Kelly Boche at Kelly.Boche@st-paul.pvt.k12.ia.us or Leigh Thompson at Leigh.Thompson@st-paul.ovt.k12.ia.us.
· After logging in, select your child’s name and click “Update”.
· In order to update additional children, please click on “Return to Dashboard”.
· If you are a current family enrolling an additional preschool, kindergarten or transfer student for the first time, click “New Application” to begin an application for that student.
3. To pay the non-refundable registration fee:
· Pay registration fees through your Blackbaud account, under the shopping cart. There will be an item for 24-25 Application Fees.
Blackbaud Link for NEW Families: Blackbaud link for new families
Blackbaud Account Login for EXISTING Families: Blackbaud link for existing families with accounts
· If you wish to pay by check, please make it payable to SCCS and put ‘24–’25 Application Fee in the memo, and drop-off to SPS.
Annual Application Fee
Annual Application Fee is $125/student for all students Preschool-12th grade. However, if you pay the Annual Application Fee by February 29th, your fee will be reduced to $100/student. This fee is to be paid at time of application and is non-refundable. The fee is applicable to every student, including ESA students, no discounts for the number of children in the family.
St. Paul the Apostle Parish Families
To be considered eligible for the subsidized tuition rate as a member of St. Paul the Apostle Parish, please read and complete the form using the following link - https://forms.gle/1AvhZxjUA6QSq8EF7
ESA Families
The ESA application for the 2024-25 school year is not currently open. Families will receive a communication when the application for next school year is open. (The target date is supposed to be April 16th.) ESA funds may be used by eligible families to cover tuition, fees, and other qualified education expenses at accredited nonpublic schools in Iowa.
· Families must apply each year
· Eligible families in 2024-25 are the following:
· All kindergartners and first graders
· New transfer students
· Students who already received an ESA this year due to transferring to SPS for 2023-24
· Families whose income is less than 400% of poverty, which is just over $120,000 for a family of four
· In 2025-26, all families, regardless of income will be eligible for ESAs
*A non-qualifying preschooler for 2024-25 is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th. Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee. There is no extra time fee.
This summer we are going to dive into a friendship with God at Vacation Bible School! St. Paul's Scuba VBS will be held the week of June 24-28 from 8:30 - 11:30 am daily for youth who have finished 3-year-old preschool through 4th grade. Watch for more information coming soon for volunteer opportunities and registration.
Aftercare will be in the ELC on Friday, Feb 23.
Reset Recess: Thank you for all our equipment donations! The students are enjoying all the fun new items.
Fall in Love with Reading! Join in the fun - Family reading event on Tuesday, February 27th from 6:00-7:00 in Denning Hall. See flier attached. Bring books for the book swap, play some fun family games, win at Bingo for Books! If you would like to help, or have questions, please contact Leslie Bassier- leslie.bassier@st-paul.pvt.k12.ia.us
Monday, April 8 was originally a day that school was going to be in session, but we have changed it back to a Teacher In-service day so there will be no school. Small Beginnings will be open.