Principal Post
February 26, 2025
Dear Parents,
Lent will be upon us next week. We will be attending Ash Wednesday Mass as a school at 1: 30 PM. Because Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, our lunch will be cheese pizza instead of chicken sandwiches.
Tuition and Enrollment Fees Dropped Off at School
I want to give parents a heads up that if you drop your tuition or enrollment payments off at the SPS school office, they don’t go immediately to SCCS. The checks stay at St. Paul’s until an SCCS employee comes to pick them up. If your check needs to be deposited in a timely manner, I suggest mailing it directly to SCCS or dropping it at their office to avoid late fees. Mrs. Boche and Mrs. Thompson will try to alert SCCS when payments arrive, but that is not a guarantee that they will have the chance to send an email. We are still working on these processes, and we appreciate your patience. If you receive a late fee in this type of situation, please reach out to Rose Strickland at SCCS.
March 3, Monday – No Buses
Next week Monday we are in school, but DCSD are not. There will be no buses.
Helping Kids Build Resilience Is Important. Learn How.
Building resilience is about more than “bouncing back” from setbacks. You can teach kids how to cope with challenges and come away with something positive. In this month’s installment of the newsletter you can learn more about this topic.
Classroom Request Form
We are beginning our planning for the 2025-26 school year and teachers will be putting together homeroom assignments. Teachers look at many factors when creating homeroom lists including academic ability, behavior, and student friendships to create a balanced homeroom where children with be successful. Requests for a particular teacher or separation from a particular student should be few. It is important to give clear, detailed reasons for this isolated request.
Requests granted for a particular homeroom will be limited to a maximum of 3 boys and 3 girls. The principal, guidance counselor, assistant principal and current classroom teachers will meet to decide which requests will be granted based on the most pressing student needs (academic and behavioral). Classroom Request forms must be turned into the school office by March 28, 2025, to be considered. Forms are available in the school office. Emails, personal conversations, and phone messages will not serve as a formal request and will not be considered. Late forms will not be accepted.
Join Us for Prayer After School During Lent!
Lent is a season of prayer, reflection, and drawing closer to God—and we have a special opportunity for you and your family to do just that!
· Each Friday during Lent, St. Paul the Apostle will have All-Day Eucharistic Adoration in the church. At 3:00 PM—the Hour of Mercy—the St. Paul Singers invite you to come straight from school and join us in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet together in song.
· This is a beautiful and powerful family devotion, helping us all to reflect on Christ’s mercy and love during this sacred season.
· What: Divine Mercy Chaplet in Song
When: Fridays in Lent at 3:00 PM
Where: St. Paul the Apostle Church
Bring your family, take a moment to pause in prayer, and grow in faith together this Lent. We’d love to see you there!
ESAs for the 2025-26 School Year
ALL Iowa students attending an accredited nonpublic school for the 2025-26 school year will qualify for an ESA (Educational Savings Account). Parents need to apply each year for their children to receive the ESA. More details will be sent out as it becomes available.
Financial Assistance for the 2025-26 School Year
We have financial assistance available for Illinois families and families who don’t belong to one of our supporting parishes (non-Catholic). We don’t want the cost of tuition to hinder any students from being able to attend St. Paul’s.
Home and School Membership and Volunteer Opportunities
Did you know every family is a member of St. Paul’s Home and School? As members, all families are invited to attend the monthly meetings on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00 PM in the Media Center. At meetings we plan events for the students and families like the upcoming skate night at the Eldridge skating rink on Tuesday, February 18 from 6-8PM. We invite you to come share your ideas and get involved! We are looking for some volunteers to take on a few small projects.
March Dates
March 3
· School in session, no busing
March 5
· Ash Wednesday, 1:30 PM All school Mass
March 13, 14
· Musical – Allison in Wonderland, Jr.
March 17-21
· Spring Break