News and Announcements

News and Announcements

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Wed., Jan. 3

           School Resumes

           Honor Choir Practice 3:00 – 3:45

Thurs., Jan. 4

           Honor Choir Practice 3:00 – 3:45

Fri., Jan. 5

           4th Grade Field Trip 11:30 – 2:45

           Honor Choir Practice 3:00 – 3:45

Sat., Jan. 6

           SEIBA Auditions

Sun., Jan. 7

Mon, Jan. 8

                 FAST/iReady testing begins

                 Home & School Meeting 6PM Media Center

                 School Advisory Committee Meeting 7PM Media Center

Tues., Jan. 9

                 Fast/iReady testing

                 Panther Perk Day (students who turn in orders will get an out of uniform day on 1/12)

                 Mass 1:45

                 Aftercare in Early Learning Center

Wed., Jan. 10

                 FAST/iReady testing

                 Honor Choir Practice 3:00 – 3:45



If you have a submission for the Wednesday email, please submit it to the school office no later than 8AM on the Tuesday before.  Please email announcements to




January Calendar (in folders)

Panther Perk Order Form (in folders)

Reset Recess Flyer (attached)

Career Fair Signup (attached)








Please note that on January 9th, Aftercare will be located in the ELC building. Please text Jescie at 319.520.7297 with any questions.  


Please sign up for the Remind APP so that you are getting up to date notifications about changes with Aftercare. Please click on the link below to sign up! 



Need to finish your volunteer hours? Contact Jescie at to start volunteering as a Recess Monitor. Commit to days that work for you! Time of recess is 11:30am-12:45pm. (CMG training is required)


Help us Reset Recess (see attached flyer). Our Amazon wish list can be found here:



Due to the end of the 2nd quarter/1st semester, we will have a 2-hour early dismissal on Friday, Jan. 12 at 12:52 PM. We have Monday, Jan. 15 off for MLK Day. 3rd quarter/2nd semester begins on Tuesday, Jan. 16. 2nd semester lunch orders will start on this day.



Due to a family emergency, the Vision Screenings that were supposed to have happened on Dec. 19 have been rescheduled for Wed., Jan. 17 beginning at noon. Students in Kgn, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th grades will be screened, as well as any students in the other grades that were requested by parents.



Spruce up the School will be on Saturday, January 20, 2024 from 7:00AM to 11:00AM.

Earn volunteer hours for this fun event and earn an out of uniform for your students on Friday, January 26.

Bring a bucket with cleaning supplies (wipes, rags, sponges, paper towel, PLEASE NO BLEACH). 

We deep clean classrooms from top to bottom. Cleaning list includes wiping down desks, chairs, shelves, door frames, walls, etc. If you have an old vacuum, please bring it, the school only has a few. 

Our custodians may have more advance jobs outside elbow grease;) – changing lightbulbs, cleaning ceiling fans, heavy lifting, minor fix it jobs.

Please report to school kitchen to get your assignment when you arrive at school on the 20th. Older siblings are welcome to earn service hours. This is a GREAT opportunity to get involved and meet other parents! Donuts and juice will be served!

We have a chair for this event, but if you are interested in being a co-chair, please email me at


Please sign up at this link if you plan to attend Spruce Up the School: Spruce Up the School Sign Up

Thank you for your service!


Shannon Elliott HSA President 



Catholic Schools Week is coming up. We will start it off with an Open House on Sunday, January 28, from 9:30 – 10-45. Please watch your email for more information as this fun week approaches.




Panther Perk Day will be on Tuesday, Jan. 9.  The out of uniform for turning in an order on Jan. 9 will be on Friday, Jan, 12.



The School Counselors for the Scott County Catholic Schools, are asking for your help, as we begin preparing for our annual 8th grade career fair which will be Friday, March 1st, 2024, at St. Ambrose University Rogalski Center.

We would like to extend the opportunity for any area businesses, employers, colleges, health care professionals, law enforcement agencies and other various career-related organizations to join us in educating our eighth-grade students about the numerous employment opportunities that are available to them. 


Please see the attachments below for more details.

Please use the following form to Register for the fair,, or feel free to return the paper copy attached. 


If you have any questions, please reach out! Thank you!

Whitney Woods

563-322-2923 ext. 204


For Your Convenience!

Career Fair Registration Counselor Newsletter Panther Perks Order Form PE Uniform/Sweatshirts Reset Recess Flyer
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