Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited to have the students back in the building next week! Teachers and staff are preparing the school and classrooms. The new safety doors look great! Thank you to our Home and School and the SCRA grant!
Welcome to our new families and teachers. We are blessed to have you and your families as a part of our St. Paul the Apostle Community! I hope you feel very quickly like a part of the community.
Parent Student Handbook
Over the summer we updated some school policies and procedures with the help of the School Advisory Board. I have attached a full copy of the Parent/Student Handbook. Please read through the handbook as it has everything you need to know about how our days operate and expectations.
I would like to you to specifically look at the following items:
New Family Welcome Lunch
Reminder - Our New Family Welcome Lunch is this Sunday following the 11:00 AM Mass. We will be serving lunch in Denning Hall and then having a brief informational meeting while the Scouts entertain the children outside.
August 23, 1st Day of School and the BooHoo/Yahoo Coffee
I know everyone is excited for the 1st day of school. We will begin supervising students at 7:35 AM on the playground.
BooHoo/Yahoo Coffee - share your celebration or tears as you send your children off to school at the BooHoo/Yahoo Coffee in Denning Hall following morning drop off.
1st Day of School Adoration
7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
(Times are changed due to a funeral.)
In conjunction with our 2024 parish theme of Rooted in Prayer, Led by the Spirit, there will be all day Adoration on the first day of school. Let's start the school year on a firm foundation of prayer as we join together as a community to spend some quality time with Jesus and to pray for the teachers, staff, students and parents/caregivers.
I'll see you at Unpack your Backpack!!!
Julie C. Delaney, PhD
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School
1007 E.Rusholme
Davenport, IA 52803
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6