Week at a Glance:
Mon., Aug. 19
Inservice Day
Tues., Aug. 20
Unpack your Backpack- 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM Unpack your Backpack
Wed., Aug. 21
Inservice Day
Thurs., Aug. 22
Inservice Day
Fri., Aug. 23
1st Day of School for Kindergarten – 8th Grade
Small Beginnings opens 7AM – 5PM
Before Care opens 7AM – 7:45AM
After Care opens 2:55PM – 5:30PM
Adoration 7AM – 9AM and 12PM – 5PM
Boo Hoo/Yahoo Coffee and Donuts 7:50 AM Denning Hall
Sat., Aug. 24
Sun., Aug. 25
Mon., Aug. 26
1st day of 4yoAM and 4yoPM Preschool
1st day of Transitional Kindergarten
Tues., Aug. 27
Wed., Aug. 28
1st day of 3yo MW Preschool
Thurs., Aug. 29
1st day of 3yo TTH Preschool
School Supply List (attached)
BooHoo Yahoo Flyer (attached)
Academic Calendar (attached)
Uniform Sweatshirt Flyer (attached)
Family Camp Flyer and QR Code (attached)
KBA Flyer (attached)
Uniform and Spirit Wear Online Store Closes – Sept. 2
Unpack your Backpack will be TOMORROW, Tuesday, August 20 from 1:00 – 5:30 in the afternoon. If you have not signed up, please do so here: Unpack your backpack
Starting next week, the office will send a Weekly email and a Principal Post every Wednesday throughout the school year. Each email will have important information, so please read both! You will get a lot of your questions answered through reading these informative emails. Please also make sure to open and look at all attachments!
If you change your email address at any time, or would like to add another email address, please notify Kelly.boche@st-paul.pvt.k12.ia.us AND your child(ren)'s teacher(s).
A Wednesday folder will also come home each week with important school news. Please make sure you check these on Wednesdays and return folders to school on Thursday.
If you have a submission for the Wednesday email, please submit it to the school office no later than 8AM on the Tuesday before. Please email announcements to kelly.boche@st-paul.pvt.k12.ia.us
The uniform and spirit wear store is now accepting orders.
It will close on September 2nd, with delivery to the school by September 24th. The order will show up as “logo pro” on your credit card statement. Here is the link. https://stores.inksoft.com/saint_paul_davenport.
See attached flyer for pictures of uniform approved sweatshirts. The navy and red ¼ zip must be purchased through the link above.
If you plan on using our Before or After care program any time this school year (Kgn – 6th grade only), please complete the online registration at Before/Aftercare Sign Up. There is also a $25 per family registration fee which can be paid through your Blackbaud account.
Please take a moment to fill out this volunteer opportunity survey. Please complete one survey per family.
Hello St. Paul Parents!
As we kick off the 2024/2025 school year St. Paul Home and School Association would love to reintroduce ourselves. This organization is made up of all parents and teachers at St. Paul’s and serves to support our children and school. We raise money to provide our students with extra resources outside the school budget such as technology, library books, art supplies, PE equipment, and so much more. We also work to support our teachers with funding for their classroom and hospitality during the year to show our appreciation for incredible work they are doing with our children. Finally, we facilitate social events throughout the year to help foster community in both our school and parish.
Home and School meetings are the second Monday of every month from 6-7 in the St. Paul’s Media Center. Anyone is welcome to join in these meetings to get involved and get more information. Each K-8 family has the option to help Home and School by completing 20 volunteer hours which can be logged on the school website, a $200 buyout in lieu of volunteer hours, $200 in Panther Perks profit (script), or a combination of all three. More information will come out about Panther Perks at the start of the year. Home and School will have representatives at a table at Unpack your Backpack Tuesday August 20th. Please stop by for more information, and we are happy to answer any questions.
We appreciate each family taking the time to complete the above survey to give us insight into what you are interested in helping with. We will send emails with volunteer opportunities throughout the year and help volunteers get coordinated with committees. Look for announcements via email as well as on the St. Paul the Apostle Home and School Association Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/saintpaulhomeandschool
Thank you all for your generous donations to the Best Day Ever Fundraiser this past school year. The new safety doors have been installed over the summer in all classrooms. The doors look great, and provide an extra layer of security for our students! Make sure and check out the new doors at Unpack Your Backpack!
We are excited for a great 2024/2025 school year!
St. Paul the Apostle Home and School Association Leadership Board
Please join us for coffee and donuts with fellow parents and friends following the first day of school dropoff!
Friday, Aug. 23 at 7:50 in Denning Hall. See attached flyer for details.
Calling all singers! Mrs. Greufe, along with Mrs. Laura Jacobsen and Deacon Burchett, are looking for singers of ALL ages to sing with them for occasional Masses and special events. The music and company will be fun and entertaining!
Please join them for their first rehearsal, THIS SUNDAY, in the church after the 11am Mass.
Contact Mrs. Greufe or Deacon Burchett
All are welcome to join us for an amazing experience at the 3rd Annual St. Paul's Family Camp! This year, we will enjoy a range of activities including canoeing, high ropes, arts & crafts, and more. Participate in mass and enjoy fellowship with other parishioners in the beautiful setting of Camp Shalom.
Overnight accommodations (cabins or shared house) and meals are included in the cost. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to connect with your community.
**Sign up today!**
Use this link or QR code:
All are welcome to join the Monday morning Rosary group.
We meet every Monday when school is in session to chat, share prayer intentions and pray the rosary together. Our gatherings take place in the Multipurpose room of the church across from Denning Hall. People begin arriving right after school drop off at 7:35 am, but we won't start prayer intentions or the Rosary until after preschool drop off is over. (About 8:10) Babies and preschool age children welcome! If you don't know how to pray the Rosary, we have easy to follow guides and rosaries for you.
Feel free to call or text Monica Burchett 563-271-1327 for more information. Our first meeting for the 2024/2025 school year will be Monday August 26.
Hope to see you there!
School lunch will start on the first day of school. You will be billed in September for lunch orders.
SCHOOL SWEATSHIRTS (all) AND PE UNIFORMS (4th-8th Grades only)
It may be hot now, but Fall is coming and our old building can get cold very quickly. Uniform approved sweatshirts for students in KGN – 8th grade and Gym uniforms (required for all students in 4th – 8th grade) can be purchased at: Sweatshirt and Gym Uniforms
Iowa State law requires a record of Immunization for all students (or a religious or medical exemption).
If you have a child in preschool, and they did not attend St. Paul’s last year, please send in an immunization record. We also need an updated physical (within the last 365 days) for ALL preschool students.
If your child did attend preschool last year at St. Paul’s, we should have your form on record, but if they received any boosters since it was submitted to us, we need the updated form.
All Kindergarten students must submit an updated immunization record with KGN boosters (or a religious or medical exemption), proof of a vision screening (can be listed on annual physical under the vision section, or the Lions’ Club Kid sight exam results from Preschool (we have a copy of these in the office from last year if your child attended St. Paul’s preschool), you do NOT have to see an eye doctor for this requirement), and proof of a dental screening. We do NOT need a physical for KGN (unless it has the vision screening on it).
All 3rd Grade students need to submit proof of a vision screening. This can be on the annual physical form from your regular family doctor (you do not need to see an eye doctor).
All 7th grade students need proof of 1 dose of meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) and a Tdap vaccine BEFORE the first day of school. Many kids got these in 6th grade and turned them in. We only need a handful more!
See attached flyer for an option to get any necessary immunizations prior to next Wednesday!